Shark Tank Routers

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Shark tank routers (or “shark tanks”) allow users to claim records on a first come, first served basis. Users are notified when records are available–and the first user to claim the record gets it. You can choose to allow users to view records before claiming or obfuscate the record details. 

Here are some common use cases for shark tanks:

  • Allow sales reps to claim leads that other users have not worked. 
  • Allow support agents to claim new cases as their workload permits. 
  • Allow sales reps to claim “cold” leads to supplement the leads they receive.

See our shark tank feature page for more information. 

Create New Router

Let’s step through the process of creating a shark tank together:

  1. Select Kubaru from the App Launcher menu.
  2. Click the Kubaru Console tab (if not already selected).
  3. Click the New Router button.
  4. Enter a name for your router (e.g. “Lead Shark Tank”).
  5. Select “Shark Tank” as the Assignment Method.
  6. Choose whether this should be a Blind Tank, in which users cannot view a record until after they’ve claimed it. 
  7. Select the Object that you’d like to assign (e.g. “Lead”).
  8. Select the Assignee Field to update. This will default to the Owner Id–but you can choose any user lookup field for assignment. See Assignee Field for more info.
  9. Select the Priority for your router. See the Prioritizing Your Router article for more information.
  10. (Optional) the following additional settings can be modified for territory routers:
Notification SettingsYou can choose how users are notified when new records are available in the shark tank. Email, lightning, and mobile notifications are disabled by default. Shark tanks do not support chatter or Slack notifications. See Assignment Notifications for more information.

IMPORTANT: we recommend disabling email notifications for shark tank routers if you’re assigning a large number of records. This could result in hitting governor limits set by Salesforce which may prevent users from receiving important emails. Please contact us at if you have any questions about this. 
Distribution ScheduleSelect a distribution schedule to prevent users from claiming records during non-working hours. Records will not show in user’s shark tank panel outside schedule hours. See Distribution Schedules for more information.
Overflow BehaviorDecide what happens with records that sit in the shark tank for too long. To leave records in the shark tank indefinitely, use “Stop Evaluation”. See Overflow Behavior for more information.
Overflow Wait TimeDetermines how long a record can sit in the shark tank before Overflow Behavior takes effect. Note: this setting will be hidden if the Overflow Behavior is set to “Stop Evaluation”. If your settings allow users to hide shark tank records, you can also check “Immediately overflow records hidden by all router members” so that such records are not subject to this wait time.
Notify of Unworked RecordsDesignate one or more email addresses to notify if claimed records go unworked for X minutes. See Unworked Record Notifications for more information.
Reassign Unworked RecordsReassign claimed records that go unworked for X minutes to a user or queue. See Reassignment for more information.
Track Response TimeTrack the number of minutes it takes users to respond to claimed records for reporting purposes. See Tracking Response Time for more information.
Notify of Delayed AssignmentsDesignate one or more email addresses to notify if records sit in the shark tank for too long. See Delayed Assignment Notifications for more information.
Enable Assignment MatchingConfigure settings to ensure similar records are assigned to the same user. See Assignment Matching for more information.
Create Team MemberAutomatically creates a team member and grants specified record access when the record is claimed. Only available for objects where teams are supported. See Creating Team Members for more information.
  1. Click Save. Note: your router is not active yet–you still need to complete some additional steps before it will assign records.

Connect Queue(s)

Shark tank routers display records from your queues to users. You’ll need to connect at least one queue before you can activate your router. See the Connecting Queue(s) article for step-by-step instructions for creating and connecting queues.

Add Filters

Filters can be added to limit which records from your connected queue(s) are displayed in the shark tank. See the Adding Filters article for step-by-step instructions for adding filters.

Add Members

You’ll need to add at least one member before you can activate your router. See Adding Members for step-by-step instructions on how to add members.

Test Your Router

Click the Test Router button to see what records qualify to be added to the shark tank. When the router is active, this function will show you records that are currently up for grabs in the shark tank. See Testing Your Router for more information.

Activate Your Router

Click the Activate Router button to activate your router. See the Activating Your Router article for more information.

Kubaru Utility

Users will claim shark tank records using the Kubaru Utility. Check out the Kubaru Utility article for instructions on how to add this utility to your Salesforce org if you haven’t already.

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