Backups for Out Of Office Users

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Available in Version 5.9 and up

This is currently a beta feature.

You can designate backups for users that are out of office. While a user is out of office, their designated backup will receive assignments in their place.

Things to keep in mind

  • The availability of backup users is not considered when making backup assignments.
  • Backups cannot be used with load balance routers, or with routers that only assign to users who are logged into Salesforce.
  • Enable Backup Users

    To enable this feature, follow these steps:

    1. Navigate to the Settings tab of the Kubaru Console.
    2. Check Enable Backup Users.

    Configure Default Backup Users

    To set default backup users, follow these steps:

    1. Navigate to the Kubaru Members tab of the Kubaru Console.
    2. Populate the Default Backup User field.
    3. Click Save Changes.

    Things to keep in mind

  • Backups set at the router level will override the default backup user.
  • If a backup user becomes inactive they will no longer be used, and their name will show in red.
  • Enable Router Backups

    Backups will only take effect for routers that have backups enabled. Follow these steps to enable backups for a router:

    For rule-based routers:

    1. Navigate to a rule-based router.
    2. You can choose to enable backups on all rules, or on a rule-by-rule basis:
      • For all rules: click Edit, check Use Backups When Out Of Office, and click Save.
      • For an individual rule: scroll down to the Rules section and click Edit on the left side of a rule, check Use Backups When Out Of Office*, and click Save.
    3. Click Edit next to a rule.
      • If the rule is assigning to a specific user, set the Backup User as desired.
      • If the rule is assigning to a group, configure the Backup User field in the Member Details section as desired.
    4. Click Save.

    *This option will not show if backups have been enabled at the router level

    For all other routers:

    1. Navigate to a router, scroll down to the Members section, and click Manage Members.
    2. Check Use Backups When Out Of Office.
    3. Configure the Backup User field in the Member Details section as desired.
    4. Click Save.

    Things to keep in mind

  • When backup user is left blank at the member or rule level, the default backup user will be used if one is set.
  • If a backup user becomes inactive they will no longer be used, and their name will show in red.
  • Backups cannot be used with load balance routers, nor can they be used with rules that assign to a group in a load balanced manner.
  • Always Assign to Backups

    You can assign to a user’s backup whether or not they are out of the office by following these steps:

    1. Navigate to the Kubaru Members tab of the Kubaru Console.
    2. Check Assign to Backup for the desired user(s).
    3. Click Save.
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