Priority Members

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The Priority Member feature allows extra assignments to be allocated to selected users. Here are a few common use cases for when you might add a user as a priority member:

  • A sales rep is assigned a junk lead (e.g., spam, test record, etc.) and you want to compensate them with an additional lead.
  • A sales rep is assigned a lead that another sales rep was already working on and requests compensation for an additional lead.
  • A mistake with weights, scheduling, or other settings resulted in a sales rep missing out on leads for a period of time.

When a router assigns a record, priority members are first considered for assignment. If a priority member is in the forecast and has a “Ready” status, they will receive the assignment. Otherwise, they will be skipped. 

Adding Priority Members

Follow these steps to add one or more priority members to a router:

  1. Navigate to a router and click the Forecast tab.
  2. Click the Add Priority Member button.
  3. Select a router member and click the Add Priority Member button.
  4. Click the Finish button.
Click "Add Priority Members" to add to forecast.

Priority members will appear in the Forecast with Source set to “Added Manually”.

Removing Priority Members

You can remove priority members by following these steps:

  1. Navigate to a router and click the Forecast tab.
  2. Expand the Action Menu for the priority member you want to remove and click Delete.
Remove priority members from the forecast.

Things to keep in mind

  • Adding Priority Members is only available for round robin, load balance, and territory routers.
  • Territory routers include a separate member forecast for each territory.
  • The Reimbursement feature automatically adds users as priority members based on the conditions you specify.
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