Creating a new router is simple! However, the process is different for each type of router. Click the links in the descriptions below to see step-by-step instructions for creating each.
Round Robin | Records are assigned using even or weighted distribution to each router member. See the Round Robin Routers article for more information. |
Load Balance | Records are assigned to users with fewer active* records to ensure every member has approximately the same number of active records. See the Load Balance Routers article for more information. *Administrators can define what constitutes an “active” record in the Kubaru Settings. |
Territory Assignment | Each record is assigned to its respective territory owner. You can choose whether to use round robin or load balance within each territory if multiple users are assigned to it. See the Territory Routers article for more information. |
Rule-Based Assignment | Uses a series of rules, each with its own criteria, to determine how records should be assigned. See the Rule-Based Routers article for more information. |
Skill-Based Assignment | Assign records based on skills such as languages, certifications, service tier, industry knowledge, etc. See Skill-Based Routers article for more information |
User Lookup | Assigns dynamically to a user from a user lookup field, either from the assigned record itself, or a related record. See the User Lookup Routers article for more information. |
Shark Tank | Router members are notified when records are available to claim. See the Shark Tank Routers article for more information. |
Duplicate Matching | Records are assigned to the owners of other records that have been identified as duplicates by Salesforce duplicate rules. See Duplicate Matching Routers article for more information. |