Future method cannot be called from a future or batch method

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This error is caused by a future Apex method in your org being called from within a Kubaru batch Apex job. This can result from other managed packages or code developed locally in your org.

Kubaru assigns records asynchronously in a recurring batch Apex job. It also uses other batch Apex jobs for related functions such as syncing members to routers. Salesforce does not allow for future Apex methods to be called from within a batch context, so if your customizations are attempting to do so (e.g., when a record is assigned) this error will occur. 


If the issue stems from locally developed code, the solution is to modify the logic to prevent future calls from being made within the context of a Kubaru batch job. If it originates from another managed package, we will need to collaborate with that package’s support team to find a solution.

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