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The reassignment feature automatically reassigns unworked records after a specified duration. Before using this feature, you’ll need to configure your Workload Settings to specify what qualifies as an “unworked” record.

Follow these steps to enable reassignment on one or more routers:

  1. Create a new router or edit an existing one.
  2. Scroll to Additional Settings and click SLA Actions.
  3. Click the Reassign Record toggle.
  4. Specify a time interval to wait before reassigning an unworked record.
  5. Select the user or queue to which records should be reassigned.
  6. (Optional) Select one or more schedules from the Only count down during schedule hours section. See Context Schedules for more information.
  7. Click the Save button.
Enable the reassignment feature.

Things to keep in mind

  • Change made to these settings will not impact assignments that have already been made.
  • Kubaru will automatically prevent reassignments from going to the same person twice in a row, even if that person is next up in the router. The exception is if that person is the only available rep in the router, in which case it will reassign back to them.
  • To re-route the record through the same router, you can reassign it back to the router’s connected queue.
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