Load Balance Routers

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Load balance routers attempt to keep the active workload of each member even. Records are always assigned to the member with the lowest workload. You define how “workload” is measured using the Load Evaluation Method.

Here are some common use cases for load balance routers:

  • Assigning support tickets to a tech support team while ensuring that new tickets are assigned to the tech support rep with lowest workload.
  • Assigning cold leads to a sales team for follow up. The max active load can be set to ensure reps don’t receive more than X active leads at a time. This allows you to “drip” leads to reps as fast as they can work them–while not assigning leads to reps that are not working them.
  • Let’s say you’re using a round robin router to assign Opportunities to you Account Executive–but you also want to assign a Solution Engineer (SE) to these Opportunities to assist with technical questions. A load balance router could be used to assign Opportunities to the SE with the lowest workload.

See our load balancing feature page for more information.

Create New Router

Let’s step through the process of creating a load balance router together:

  1. Select Kubaru from the App Launcher menu.
  2. Click the Kubaru Console tab (if not already selected).
  3. Click the New Router button.
  4. Enter a name for your router (e.g. “Tech Support Ticket”).
  5. Select the Object that you’d like to assign (e.g. “Case”).
  6. Select “Load Balance” as the Assignment Method.
  7. Select the Assignee Field that Kubaru should update. This will default to the Owner Id–but you can choose any user lookup field for assignment. See Assignee Field for more info.
  8. Select the Priority for your router. See the Prioritizing Your Router article for more information.
  9. (Optional) the following additional settings can be modified for load balance routers:
Notification SettingsYou can disable email, mobile, and/or desktop notifications for the router. See Assignment Notifications for more information.
Distribution ScheduleSelect a distribution schedule to pause the router during non-working hours. See Distribution Schedules for more information.
Holiday ScheduleSelect a holiday schedule if you want to pause the router on holidays. See Holiday Schedules for more information.
Overflow BehaviorDecide what happens with records that can’t be assigned by the router. See Overflow Behavior for more information.
ReimbursementReimburse users for records that are reassigned or rejected. See Reimbursement for more information.
Notify of Unworked RecordsDesignate one or more email addresses to notify if records go unworked for X minutes. See Unworked Record Notifications for more information.
Reassign Unworked RecordsReassign records that go unworked for X minutes to a user or queue. See Reassignment for more information.
Track Response TimeTrack the number of minutes it takes users to respond to leads for reporting purposes. See Tracking Response Time for more information.
Enable Assignment MatchingConfigure settings to ensure similar records are assigned to the same user. See Assignment Matching for more information.
  1. Click Save. Note: your router is not active yet–you still need to complete some additional steps before it will assign records.

Defining Active Records

Before you can activate your load balance router, you’ll need to define which records are considered “active”. You can do this by following these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Kubaru Console and click on the Settings tab.
  2. Under Object Settings, select the appropriate object and click Edit.
  3. Select the appropriate field from the Status Field picklist. For objects that have a standard Status field, this is usually the best option. However, it’s possible to choose any standard or custom picklist.
  4. Select which statuses in the selected picklist field correspond to “active” records. For example, Cases with a status of NewWorking, or Escalated might be considered “active”, while Cases marked as Closed are no longer considered “active”.
  5. Click Save.

Connect Queue(s)

Routers assign records from your queues to users. You’ll need to connect at least one queue before you can activate your router. See the Connecting Queue(s) article for step-by-step instructions for creating and connecting queues.

Add Filters

Filters can be added to limit which records from your connected queue(s) get assigned. See the Adding Filters article for step-by-step instructions for adding filters.

Add Members

You’ll need to add at least one member before you can activate your router. See Adding Members for step-by-step instructions on how to add members.

Test Your Router

Click the Test Router button to see what records qualify to be assigned by your router. See Testing Your Router for more information.

Activate Your Router

Click the Activate Router button to activate your router. See the Activating Your Router article for more information.

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