Import/Export Territories

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Available in Version 5.10 and up

The territory importer allows you to create, update, assign, and delete territories in bulk. Simply make the desired changes in Excel, save the file as a CSV, then import it into Kubaru. You can start by either downloading our CSV template and filling in your territory data, or by exporting an existing set of territories and modifying the file before reimporting it.

Download The Import Template

Follow these steps to download the import template:

  1. Navigate to the Kubaru Territories tab of the Kubaru Console.
  2. If you are using territory groups, click into a territory group.
  3. Click the Import button at the top-right.
  4. Click the Download Template button.

Export Territories

Follow these steps to export territories:

  1. Navigate to the Kubaru Territories tab of the Kubaru Console.
  2. If you are using territory groups, click into a territory group.
  3. Click the Export button at the top-right.

Things to keep in mind

  • If a territory contains data that exceeds the max character limit for a cell in Excel, the data will automatically be split into multiple rows.
  • Import Territories

    Follow these steps to import territories:

    1. Navigate to the Kubaru Territories tab of the Kubaru Console.
    2. If you are using territory groups, click into a territory group.
    3. Click the Import button at the top-right.
    4. Click Choose File and select your CSV.
    5. Click Import.
    6. You’ll receive a result file after the import has been completed. For larger imports, the result file will be emailed to you.

    Things to keep in mind

  • The “Name” column is required in your import file. Aside from this, if there are any columns you do not wish to modify or that are not relevant to your territory structure, they do not need to appear in the import template.
  • Multiple values can be separate by either a comma or a line break for the following columns: Countries, States, Zip/Postal Codes, Other, and Assigned Users.
  • It’s not uncommon for some territory criteria (e.g. Zip/Postal Codes) to exceed the maximum cell size in Excel. If this is the case, you can add multiple rows with the same territory name, and the importer will automatically combine this data.
  • For columns that do not contain long data such as Evaluation Order and Active, only the first value will be kept in cases where two or more rows share the same territory name.
  • Assigned Users can be added to the “Assigned Users” column by full name, email address, Salesforce username, or Salesforce User ID.
  • You can add a column labeled “Delete” and include the value “true” or “yes” for any territories that you’d like to delete on reimport.
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