Release Notes

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Version 6.0

New Features and Improvements

  • New User Interface: Kubaru’s user interface has been completely redesigned to be more intuitive, modern, and user-friendly. This update also lays the groundwork for upcoming features we’re actively developing.
  • Lightning Web Components (LWC): Kubaru has been rebuilt using Lightning Web Components to enhance performance, scalability, and security. LWC is Salesforce’s latest framework, designed to be lightweight and optimize speed and efficiency by leveraging modern web standards.
  • Simplified User Management: Managing users is now easier than ever. Admins can add new users and assign roles directly within Kubaru. Licenses and permissions are then automatically provisioned based on the assigned role. Learn more.
  • Expanded Migrator Functionality: The migration tool now supports skills, territories, schedules, and object settings. You can also view a detailed history of imports and exports.
  • Enhanced Router History: Auditability has significantly improved—you can now access a much larger set of router change logs than before. Plus, our advanced search tools make it easier to quickly find what you’re looking for.
  • Smarter Alerts: Kubaru now proactively highlights critical issues that require your attention, surfacing key alerts throughout the app so you can stay ahead of any potential disruptions.
  • Streamlined Metadata Deployment: You can now deploy territory fields, Apex triggers, and the Kubaru Utility from directly within the app—eliminating the need to switch between Kubaru and Salesforce Setup.
  • Users as Connected Queues: You can now select users as connected queues for any object.

Version 5.10

New Features

  • Territory Import/Export: it’s now possible to import bulk changes to territories using a CSV. You can export your existing territories to Excel, make changes, and then import those changes in seconds.

Version 5.9

New Features

  • Backup Users: You can now designate backup to receive assignments while a user is out of office.


  • Your custom phone integration code can now run automatically as part of Kubaru’s recurring background jobs. This allows your code to run nearly in real time.
  • You can now grant users the ability to edit Kubaru assignment logs by granting them the “Edit Assignment Logs” custom permission.
  • Other various bug fixes.

Version 5.8

New Features

  • Territory Groups: It’s now possible to create separate sets of territories for different teams and/or customer segments. For example, you might create one set of territories for your enterprise sales team and another for your SMB sales team.

Version 5.7

New Features


  • Calculate Workloads in Real Time: Enabling this feature will result in workloads being recalculated immediately when records are created or edited.
  • Other various improvements and bug fixes.

Version 5.6

New Features

  • Shark Tank: Rather than assigning records to users, shark tank routers notify members of available records so they can claim them. 
  • Kubaru Utility: This lightning component provides your users with quick access to the following features from anywhere in Salesforce:
    • View recent assignments
    • Claim records from one or more shark tanks.
    • Update status to available or unavailable (if permitted).
    • Manage out of office schedules (if permitted).
    • Manage notification settings. 
  • NEW Notifications: We’ve introduced five new types of assignment notifications:
    • Toast notifications
    • Push notifications
    • Chatter posts
    • Sound alerts
    • Slack messages
  • Workload Evaluation Scope: It’s now possible to limit your workload calculations to assignments from a particular router.
  • Workload Evaluation Method: We’ve added a new option for calculating user workload based on a field on the user record. This is useful if you want to create your own custom calculations for workloads based on any object (or combination of objects). 
  • Salesforce Teams: You can now automatically create Account, Opportunity, and Case Team Members when an assignment is made.
  • Skill-Based Assignment Weighting (beta):  You can now apply member weighting within your skill-based routers.


  • We’ve improved the reassignment feature to ensure that reassigned records do not go to the same person twice in row.
  • You can now use context schedules for reimbursement.
  • It’s now possible to have trigger-based assignment operate on batches up to a certain batch size that you define.
  • It’s now possible to associate holiday schedules with individual router members.
  • It’s now possible to assign converted leads.
  • Various other bug fixes and stability improvements.

Version 5.4

New Features

  • Skill-Based Routing is now available! Assign records based on skills such as languages, certifications, service tier, industry knowledge, etc. 
  • Pause During Calendar Events allows you to pause members from receiving assignments during specified calendar events. 
  • It’s now possible to create Related Object Filters that traverse up to 5 related objects. 
  • It’s now possible to customize which columns are displayed on the Kubaru Routers tab by clicking the “Columns Displayed” button. 


  • An optional description field has been added to routers. See Router Description Field for more information.
  • We’ve improved how permission-based errors are reported to give administrators greater visibility while troubleshooting issues related to permissions. 
  • User roles are now displayed under each user’s name throughout the application. 
  • Users with the Kubaru Manager permission set now have access to edit members of rule-based routers. 
  • A “Match Assignee” option has been added to rule-based routers. When assigning to a group using round robin or load balance, it’s possible to ensure that secondary assignee fields are always assigned to the same user by selecting “Match Assignee”. 
  • Unsupported fields previously would not show up in picklists. Now these fields will be displayed but will be grayed out to indicate that they are unsupported. A tooltip will be displayed on hover to indicate why the field can’t be selected. 
  • Package licenses are now assigned automatically to users that have been added to one or more routers. These licenses will be automatically deleted if a user is subsequently removed from all routers. 
  • Various other bug fixes and stability improvements.

Version 5.0

New Features

  • Kubaru has a very powerful new assignment method called Rule-Based Assignment. This is similar to Salesforce assignment rules but much more powerful. This method allows you to set several rules within a single router, each with its own criteria and recipients. Records can be assigned to a single user or to a group using round robin or load balance. See Rule-Based Routers for more information.
  • We now offer a new assignment method called User Lookup, which allows you to dynamically assign records to a user from a lookup field on the record or a related record. For example, you can assign cases or contacts to the related account’s owner. See User Lookup for more information.
  • You can now choose whether Territory Assignment routers assign records using round robin or load balance within each territory in cases where more than one user is assigned to a territory.
  • Territory Assignment routers also have the ability to utilize the Priority Members and Reimbursement features.
  • We’ve made it easier for you to integrate your soft phone system with Kubaru so that assignments are paused when a user is on the phone. See Pause During Phone Calls for more information.


  • We’ve added a Kubaru Manager permission set so that users can manage router memberships without being given access to update routing logic.
  • We’ve upgraded Router Change History so that deleted records (e.g. router filters, member, etc.) will be reported in the router history. Any edits to these deleted records will also remain in the router history.
  • The Manage Routers tab has been updated to display columns with additional information about each router such as the connected queues and filter criteria.
  • Various other bug fixes and stability improvements.

Version 4.9

New Features

  • You can now set up router filters based on fields of related records, and not just from those of the assigned record itself. For example, a case router can now filter based on fields from the related account. See Distribution Filters for more information.
  • You can now migrate routers along with their related items (connected queues, filters, members, field updates) from one Salesforce environment to another (e.g., from a sandbox to your production org). This saves you the time and hassle of having to re-create new routers manually after they have been staged and tested. See Migration for more information.
  • You can now stack up multiple time-based limits on your router members. For example, you can set both a daily and a weekly limit. See Stacked Time-Based Limits for more information.
  • When cloning a router, you can now choose whether to include connected queues, filters, members, and/or field updates as part of the cloning process so that you don’t have to create them manually after the fact. See Cloning a Router for more information.
  • You can now see history data from related connected queues, filters, members, and/or field updates when viewing a router’s history table. See Router Change History for more information.
  • We now have a search function available when viewing assignment logs so you can easily narrow down results based on data from the assigned record itself, or from the assignment log. See Assignment Log Search for more information.


  • When viewing a territory router’s assignment queue, you can now group by member instead of by territory. This allows you to see all territories associated with each member as opposed to the other way around.
  • A search bar is now available in the Kubaru Members tab of the Kubaru Console so that you can limit results by member name.
  • When automatically syncing users into a router, you can now choose the default weight for any new members that are created by the sync. See Automatically Sync Members for more information.
  • Various bug fixes and stability improvements.

Version 4.8

New Features

  • Kubaru can now more intelligently determine a user’s active workload, which can power both our load balance assignment method as well as any Workload Capacity definitions (previously known as “active ceilings”). See Workload Evaluation Method for more information.
  • You can now define what a router should do when a record meets criteria, but no members are available to take the assignment. See Overflow Behavior for more information.
  • It is now possible to populate secondary user lookup fields with the same value as the user being assigned a record by using a special “ASSIGNEE” keyword as the value. See Update Other Fields When Assigning Records for more information.
  • It’s now possible to limit assignment matching so that it only matches against records that are still active. See Assignment Matching for more information.
  • Choosing how to order assignments can now easily be configured to be done at the router level on an object-by-object basis (previously this was an all-or-nothing setting). This possibility means that the technical performance of the application can be markedly improved. See Assignment Ordering for more information.
  • It is now possible to use weighting for members of territory assignment routers. See territory assignment weighting for more information.
  • You can now set records to automatically reassign directly to a user of your choice instead of just a queue. See Reassignment for more information.
  • It’s now possible to set boundaries on how often a failed assignment should be retried. See Errors on Assignment for more information.
  • When the Running Kubaru User is changed, an alert will automatically be sent out to inform your administrators of the change so there are no surprises. See Running Kubaru User for more information.


  • Added another layer of stability to Kubaru’s background jobs to prevent crashes
  • The Kubaru Console’s tabs now experience a shorter load time than before.
  • Other various bug fixes / stability improvements.

Version 4.5

New Features

  • It is now possible to set out of office schedules for your users that are router specific. See Out Of Office Schedules for more information.
  • You can now track response times to assigned records within the context of associated schedules. See Response Time Context Schedules for more information.
  • You can now set relative date values for date and date/time fields being used as distribution filters. See Relative Date and Date/Time Filters for more information.
  • You can now automatically sync users as router members based on user skills assigned. See User Skill Filters for more information.


  • Various bug fixes and stability improvements.

Version 4.4

New Features

  • You can now specify the order in which records are assigned at the router level. Previously, this was only possible at the object level. See Assignment Ordering for more information.
  • You can now test a router before deploying it by identifying in advance which records qualify to be assigned by that router. See Assignment Preview for more information.


  • Various bug fixes and stability improvements.

Version 4.3

New Features

  • You can now enable trigger-based assignment on any object that supports apex triggers, which most do. Available for Enterprise and Unlimited Salesforce editions only. See Deploy Trigger For Any Object for more information.
  • You can now set up automated notifications to be sent when a record goes unworked for a certain amount of time. See Unworked Record Notifications for more information.


  • Various bug fixes and stability improvements.

Version 4.2

New Features

  • You can now set the order in which assignments are made in each assignment job. This ensures the highest priority records are assigned first in cases where you may have something in place that prevents all records from being assigned immediately. See Assignment Ordering for more information.
  • Users can now create and maintain their own out of office schedules if an administrator allows. See User Out Of Office Self-Service for more information.
  • Users can now temporarily withdraw themselves from receiving any router assignments and set themselves back to available as needed. See Have Users Set Own Availability for more information.


  • In cases where the same records are being assigned over and over (see Assignment Looping), we will detect the activity and send a warning email to the context user running the assignment jobs so you can investigate.

Version 4.1

New Features

  • You can now track how long it takes for reps to respond to records that are assigned to them; e.g. speed to lead. You can define in each router what constitutes a response event. You can then report on average response times to evaluate the effectiveness of your assignment strategy. See Tracking Response Times for more information.
  • We’ve updated our Reassignment feature so that the time elapsed from assignment can now be counted within the context of the associated router/member schedules that you select. This means that records won’t be reassigned during non-working hours. See Context Schedules for more information.


  • We’ve updated our background batch jobs to be even more efficient. As a result, assignments on average will occur even faster than they did before.
  • Various bug fixes and stability enhancements.

Version 4.0

New Features

  • You can now enable Desktop or Mobile assignment notifications in addition to email. These carry with them the same granular controls as email notifications. For more information, see Assignment Notifications.
  • It’s now possible to filter members by role and/or profile in the Kubaru Console’s Members tab. Similarly, you can filter by object in the Assignment Logs tab.


  • We’ve restructured the backbone jobs that run assignments, reassignments, and data integrity. As a result, Kubaru runs more smoothly and is more error-proof than ever.

Version 3.9

New Features

  • You can now ensure that records flagged as duplicates are assigned to the same owner. This is made possible by a new router assignment method called Duplicate Matching.
  • It’s now possible to automatically sync users as router members based on any standard or custom user field(s). You can even use complex filter logic. See Managing Router Members for more information.


  • Kubaru assigns records very quickly due to our back-to-back recurring assignment jobs. We’ve now added an extra layer of health-checking to ensure that these jobs are consistently running as expected. This will protect against rare cases of assignment job failure.
  • The Kubaru Router History related list has been added to the bottom of the router page layout so any changes can be easily audited.
  • Other various bug fixes and stability improvements.

Version 3.8

New Features

  • It’s now possible to limit assignments based on an hourly limit period. Additionally, you can now change limits to be evaluated based on a rolling time period. See Time-Based Limits for more information.
  • Managing your Running Kubaru User is now easier than ever. We now give you the ability to change running users as needed and will throw error messages in the console if the running user is ever missing any needed permissions. See Running Kubaru User for more information.
  • You can now grant users partial access to the Kubaru Console, tab by tab. This is done by assigning Custom Permissions. For instance, the Kubaru Console Router Tab permission grants access to the Kubaru Routers tab. Note that additional permissions, such as object read permissions, are required to view and/or edit console data.


  • Various bug fixes and stability improvements.

Version 3.7

New Features

  • You can now automatically sync members to your Kubaru Routers based on user role(s) and/or profile(s). See Managing Router Members for more information.
  • Various bug fixes and performance optimizations.


  • Various bug fixes and stability improvements.

Version 3.6

New Features

  • It’s now possible to assign distribution schedules to your router members. This makes it possible for users to become available or unavailable automatically. See Distribution Schedules for more information.
  • You can now ensure that assignments only happen for users that are logged into Salesforce. You can also specify an idleness threshold to ensure they are active when an assignment is made. See Must be Logged into Salesforce for more information.
  • We’ve embedded help links throughout the application.


  • Various bug fixes and stability improvements.

Version 3.0

New Features

  • It’s now possible to route any standard or custom object. Note: objects must have at least one editable user field.
  • Use “load balancing” logic to maintain an equal number of active records among members.
  • Automatically “reimburse” members for records that are rejected or reassigned.
  • Choose any standard or custom user field to be updated by router assignment logic.
  • Choose a custom “status” field for each object.
  • Sync queue members as router members.
  • Modify future distribution schedules.


  • Routers now assign records every 30-60 seconds (compared to every 3+ minutes).
  • Self-monitoring logic was added to improve stability and performance.
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