Assignment Logs

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The Assignment Logs contain a detailed record of all assignments made. You can find the assignment logs by expanding the Admin tab in the navigation menu and clicking Logs.

View detailed assignment logs.

Additionally, you can view logs for individual routers by navigating to a router and clicking on the Assignment Logs tab.

View detail router assignment logs.

Things to keep in mind

  • You can adjust how long assignment logs are retained from Admin Settings. See Log Settings for more details.
  • In order to preserve historical integrity, users (including admins) cannot delete assignment logs. If you would like to grant select users this access, you can assign them the “Edit Assignment Logs” custom permission.
  • Some assignment logs may include “(Fallback)” next to the Assigned To user’s name. This indicates Kubaru intentionally skipped the next user in line for the assignment because they were the last user the record was assigned to.
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