Mobile Notification Setup

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This process is only available in the Lightning Experience interface, and can only be done after at least one user has logged into the Salesforce mobile app.

Follow these steps to set up mobile notifications:

  1. Navigate to Setup.
  2. Use the quick find to locate Notification Delivery Settings.
  3. Under Custom Notification Types, click the down arrow on the right side of the Kubaru Mobile notification type and click Edit.
  4. Under Supported Channels, enable the device types of interest (iOS, Android). If you do not see these options, log into your org via the Salesforce mobile app, wait five minutes, and try again.
  5. Click the Save button.

If a user is not receiving mobile push notifications, this is usually because their device is not registered in Salesforce. This is typically solved by having them log out of the app, then log back in. See Troubleshoot Salesforce Mobile App Push Notifications for more information.

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