Trigger-Based Assignments

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Kubaru assigns most records within one minute. However, you may have a use case that calls for immediate assignment. Trigger-based Assignment is available for such circumstances.

Trigger-based assignment only works under the following conditions:

  • The user who triggers the assignment (by creating or updating the record) must be a Kubaru user.
  • The user who triggers the assignment must have access to update the Field to Assign specified in the router.
  • If you’ve enabled Field Updates, the user must have edit access to each field being updated.
  • There can’t be any active Duplicate Matching routers enabled for the object.
  • If records are imported (or updated) in batches, the batch size must be no greater than your specified Max Trigger Batch Size for that object.

Enable Trigger-Based Assignment

Follow these steps to enable trigger-based assignment for one or more objects:

  1. Expand the Admin tab in the navigation menu and click Settings.
  2. Click the Object Settings tab.
  3. Select an Object.
  4. Scroll to the Advanced section.
  5. Click the Trigger-Based Assignment toggle. Note: for some objects, you’ll need to click Deploy Trigger before enabling trigger-based assignment.
  6. Click Okay on the prompt that appears.
  7. Update the Max Trigger Batch Size as desired. Batches of records larger than this will be handled by standard batch assignment rather than trigger-based assignment.
  8. Click the Save button.

Things to keep in mind

  • The Max Trigger Batch Size has system performance implications. The greater the max trigger batch size, the closer each transaction will get to governor limits; e.g., CPU time. We recommend consulting with your Salesforce Administrator before changing this.
  • Records that fail to be assigned through trigger-based assignment will be processed by standard batch assignment.
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