Kubaru Utility

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Available in Version 5.6 and up

The Kubaru Utility is only compatible with Lightning Experience.

The Kubaru Utility provides your users with quick access to the following features from anywhere in Salesforce: 

  • View recent assignments.
  • Claim records from one or more shark tanks.
  • Update status to available or unavailable (if permitted). 
  • Manage out of office schedules (if permitted). 
  • Manage notification settings.

The Kubaru Utility will display in the toolbar at the bottom of Lightning Experience. Users will be able to access the utility from any page so long as it’s been added to the Salesforce App they’re using. 

Using The Kubaru Utility

User Status

This tab is only available for users with the Self-Manage Kubaru Status custom permission assigned.

Users can easily change their status to Available or Unavailable from any tab in the Kubaru Utility. User status will automatically be updated to Out Of Office while a user is scheduled to be out of office. Users will not receive assignments while their status is set to Unavailable or Out Of Office unless a router is configured to do so.

Assignments Tab

Users can click on the Assignments tab to view their recent assignments in order from newest to oldest. The following details will be displayed for each assignment:

1TitleThis is the name of the assigned record–and is also a link to view the record. The title can be modified for each object by editing the Title Field in the object settings. 
2StatusThis displays the status of the assigned record based on the Status Field selected in the object settings. If a record is deleted or reassigned, the status will display “Deleted” or “Reassigned” instead. 
3TimerThis indicates how long ago the record was assigned.
4DetailsUp to three additional fields can be displayed. These fields are selected in the Utility Display Fields section of the object settings.
5Reassignment CountdownThis displays how much time remains until a record is reassigned. This will only display if Show Reassignment Countdown is enabled in the global settings. 

Things to keep in mind

  • Assignments will be refreshed automatically every 10 seconds.
  • Assignments will not be shown from routers where Hide From Kubaru Utility is checked.
  • Shark Tank Tab

    Users can click on the Shark Tank tab to view records that are available to claim. Users will only see records that belong to shark tanks to which they’ve been added as members. The following details will be displayed for shark tank records:

    1TitleThis is the name of the shark tank record–and is also a link to view the record. The title can be modified for each object by editing the Title Field in the object settings.
    2Claim ButtonUsers can click Claim to assign a record to themselves. 
    3Hide ButtonUsers can click the Hide icon to remove a record from the list. Users will be able to unhide records by clicking the Unhide All Records link at the bottom of the list. The Hide icon will only display when Users Can Hide Records is enabled in the global settings. 
    4Shark Tank Router NameThis is the name of the shark tank router that the record belongs to. If you have multiple shark tank routers, this may be useful to display. However, it’s also possible to hide this field by disabling Show Shark Tank Name in the global settings. 
    5TimerThis indicates how long the record has been in the shark tank.
    6DetailsUp to three additional fields can be displayed. These fields are selected in the Utility Display Fields section of the object settings.

    Blind Tank

    If the Blind Tank setting is enabled for a shark tank router, users will not be able to view the details until after claiming a record:

    Things to keep in mind

  • The shark tank will refresh every 10 seconds by default. However, assigning the Kubaru User permission set group to your users will allow data to refresh in real time.
  • Users that are members of shark tank routers will be able to view and claim records from the Kubaru Utility regardless of their profile permissions.
  • Out Of Office Tab

    This tab is only available for users with the Self-Manage Kubaru Status custom permission assigned.

    Users can click on the Out Of Office tab to view, create, edit, and delete out of office schedules. Users will not receive assignments while out of office (unless Assign When Out Of Office is enabled on a router).

    To create a new out of office schedule:

    1. Click on the Out Of Office tab. 
    2. Click the “Add New” link.
    3. Enter the Reason, Start Date/Time, and End Date/Time.
    4. Click Save.

    To edit an out of office schedule:

    1. Click on the Out Of Office tab. 
    2. Click the action menu icon on the right side of the schedule and click Edit.
    3. Adjust details as needed and click Save.

    To delete an out of office schedule:

    1. Click on the Out Of Office tab. 
    2. Click the action menu icon on the right side of the schedule and click Delete.
    3. Click the OK button in the confirmation prompt.

    Things to keep in mind

  • Out of office schedules created by users will automatically apply to all routers. Limiting schedules to specific routers must be done by a Kubaru admin in the Out Of Office tab of the Kubaru Console.
  • Kubaru admins will be able to view, edit, and delete out of office schedules created by users from the Out Of Office tab of the Kubaru Console.
  • Settings Tab

    Users can click on the Settings tab to configure the following notification settings:

    1Assignment AlertsUsers can enable/disable assignment notifications (e.g. Email, Lightning, Mobile, Toast, etc.). See Assignment Notifications for information about each of these notification types. Users will only be able to modify assignment alerts if “Enabled, users can override” is selected in the global settings, otherwise these settings will be read only. 
    2Alert VolumeUsers can control the volume level for sound alerts. 
    3New Assignment AlertUsers can select which sound plays when they receive a new assignment.
    4Shark Tank AlertUsers can select which sound plays when a new shark tank record becomes available to claim.

    Things to keep in mind

  • There are no global settings for sound alerts. These are controlled by each individual user.
  • The Slack assignment alert will only display after you’ve integrated Slack with Kubaru.
  • Adding The Utility To Salesforce Apps

    Do not add the utility to an app until after you’ve assigned the Kubaru User permission set group to its users.

    The Kubaru Utility can be added to one or more Salesforce Apps by following these instructions: 

    1. Open Salesforce in Lightning Experience.
    2. Navigate to Setup.
    3. Use Quick Find to search for “App Manager” and click on the link.
    4. Find an app you’d like to add the utility to (e.g. Sales), click the action menu on the far right, and select Edit. Note: check the App Type column to make sure you’re editing the “Lightning” version of the app. 
    5. Select Utility Items (Desktop Only) from the side navigation.
    6. Click the Add Utility Item button.
    7. Search for and select Kubaru.
    8. If desired, you can remove the “fallback” icon and choose a different one (we suggest using “success”).
    9. Set the Panel Width to 400 and the Panel Height to 650. Note: this is our suggested size, you may adjust as you see fit.
    10. Check Start automatically.
    11. Click Save.

    You should now be able to navigate to the App and see the Kubaru Utility👍

    Administering The Utility

    The Kubaru Utility is highly customizable to ensure it can meet the needs of various organizations. Kubaru admins can modify the following settings by navigating to the Kubaru Console and clicking on the Settings tab. 

    Assignment Settings

    The following settings are found in the Kubaru Utility Settings section of the global settings. These settings control what is displayed in the Assignments tab of the Kubaru Utility.

    Assignments DisplayedThis controls the maximum number of assignments that will be displayed.
    Show Reassignment CountdownIf enabled, users will see a reassignment countdown timer for any assignment that are subject to a reassignment SLA.

    Shark Tank Settings

    The following settings are found in the Kubaru Utility Settings section of the global settings. These settings control what is displayed in the Shark Tank tab of the Kubaru Utility: 

    Show Shark Tank NameIf enabled, the name of the shark tank router will be displayed for each record.
    Records DisplayedThis controls the maximum number of shark tank records displayed.
    Display OrderThis controls the order in which shark tank records will be displayed. Note that “Newest” and “Oldest” refer to how long a record has been in the shark tank.
    Open Record When ClaimedIf enabled, records will automatically be opened when claimed.
    Show Records While At LimitIf enabled, users will still be able to view shark tank records after they hit their time-based assignment limit or max active load, but the claim button will be disabled.
    Users Can Hide RecordsIf enabled, allows users to hide records that are not of interest to them. Note: users will have the option to unhide records they’ve hidden. 

    Object Settings

    Kubaru admins will also be able to control the following settings in the Object Settings section: 

    Title FieldDetermines which field should be used as the name for records. This field is displayed in both the Kubaru Utility and Assignment Logs. 
    Status FieldThe status value from this field will be displayed for records on the Assignments tab. Note that this field is used to power other features, such as max active loadreassignmentsreimbursements, and more. As such, it is not recommended that you change this field for the sake of the utility only, unless it makes sense for the sake of all these features as well.
    Utility Display FieldsYou can select up to three fields to display in the utility for each object. These fields will be displayed in both the Assignments and Shark Tank tabs.

    To make changes to these settings, click the Edit [Object Name] Settings button, make the necessary changes, and click the Save button.

    Custom Permissions

    The following custom permissions can be granted to individual users: 

    Self-Manage Kubaru StatusAllows users to set their status as “Available” or “Unavailable” from within the Kubaru Utility. While unavailable, users will not be able to receive assignments or view shark tank records.
    Self-Manage Kubaru Out Of OfficeAllows users to access the “Out Of Office” tab of the utility so they can manage their own out of office schedules.

    You can grant these permissions at the profile level or include them in a permission set.

    You must have elevated permissions (e.g. System Administrator) to modify profiles and permission sets.

    To add to a profile:

    1. Navigate to Setup.
    2. Use Quick Find to search for and select Profiles.
    3. Select the profile you’d like to add the permission(s) to.
    4. Click Custom Permissions.
    5. Click the Edit button.
    6. Select the custom permission(s) from the list on the left and click the Add button.
    7. Click Save.

    To add to a permission set:

    1. Navigate to Setup.
    2. Use Quick Find to search for and select Permission Sets.
    3. Select the permission set you’d like to add the permission(s) to or create a new one.
    4. Click Custom Permissions.
    5. Click the Edit button.
    6. Select the custom permission(s) from the list on the left and click the Add button.
    7. Click Save.
    8. Assign the permission set to users.
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