Utility Settings

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The Kubaru Utility is highly customizable to ensure it can meet the needs of various organizations. Kubaru Admins can modify the following settings related to the utility.  

Assignment Settings

The following settings are related to the Assignments tab of the Kubaru Utility. These settings can be found by navigating to the Kubaru application, expanding the Admin tab in the navigation, clicking Settings, and clicking Utility Settings.

Assignments DisplayedThis controls the maximum number of assignments displayed in the utility.
Show Reassignment CountdownIf enabled, users will see a reassignment countdown timer for any assignments that are subject to reassignment.
Edit settings related to the assignments tab in the utility.

Shark Tank Settings

The following settings are related to the Shark Tank tab of the Kubaru Utility. These settings can be found by navigating to the Kubaru application, expanding the Admin tab in the navigation, clicking Settings, and clicking Utility Settings.

Show Shark Tank NameIf enabled, the name of the shark tank router will be displayed for each record.
Records DisplayedThis controls the maximum number of shark tank records displayed in the utility.
Display OrderThis controls the order in which shark tank records will be displayed. Note: “Newest” and “Oldest” refer to how long a record has been in the shark tank.
Open Record When ClaimedIf enabled, users will be redirected to a record when claimed.
Show Records While At LimitIf enabled, users will still be able to view shark tank records after they hit their time-based limit or workload capacity limit, but the claim button will be disabled.
Users Can Hide RecordsIf enabled, allows users to hide records that are not of interest to them. Note: users will have the option to unhide records they’ve hidden. 
Edit settings related to the shark tank tab in the utility.

Optional Features

You can enable the following optional features. These settings can be found by navigating to the Kubaru application, expanding the Admin tab in the navigation, clicking Settings, and clicking Utility Settings.

Manage StatusAllows users to set their status as Available or Unavailable from within the Kubaru Utility. While unavailable, users will not be able to receive assignments or view shark tank records.
Manage Out Of Office SchedulesAllows users to access the Out Of Office tab of the utility so they can manage their own out of office schedules.
Enable optional settings to allow users to control their availability.

Object Settings

You can also modify the following settings related to individual objects. These settings can be found by navigating to the Kubaru application, expanding the Admin tab in the navigation, clicking Settings, and clicking Object Settings.

Title FieldDetermines which field should be used as the name for records. This field is displayed in both the Kubaru Utility and Assignment Logs
Utility Display FieldsYou can select up to three fields to display in the utility for each object. These fields will be displayed in both the Assignments and Shark Tank tabs.
Edit object settings related to the utility.
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