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Available in Version 2.4 and up

The Reassignment feature allows you to automatically reassign a record if it has gone unworked for too long. You define what is considered “unworked”, what is considered “too long”, and to which user or queue the record should be reassigned.

You must first define status values that indicate that a record is unworked; e.g. “New”, “Open”, etc. These values are defined globally for each object.

  1. Navigate to the Kubaru Console.
  2. Click on the Settings tab.
  3. In Object Settings, select an object and then click Edit.
  4. Select which field is used as a status indicator in the [Object Name] Status Field. Note: this must be a picklist field.
  5. Check all status values that correspond with an unworked record in the Unworked [Object Name] Status Values field.
  6. Click Save.

Now, you can set up reassignment rules for each Kubaru Router that assigns this object.

  1. Navigate to an existing Kubaru Router and click Edit.
  2. In the field Reassign Unworked [Object Name], enter the number of minutes to wait before reassigning an unworked record.
  3. Select the user or queue to which the record should be reassigned.
    1. To re-route the record through the same router, you can assign it back to the router’s connected queue.
  4. You can select one or more schedules from the within context of section if you only want to count elapsed time during work hours. See Reassignment Context Schedules below for more info.
  5. Click Save.

Things to keep in mind

  • Change made to these settings will not impact assignments that have already been made.
  • Kubaru will automatically prevent reassignments from going to the same person twice in a row, even if that person is next up in the router. The exception is if that person is the only available rep in the router, in which case it will reassign back to them.
  • Reassignment Context Schedules

    Available in Version 4.1 and up

    It’s common to want to exclude non-working hours when calculating the time that a record has gone unworked. This helps prevent unworked records from being reassigned on weekends, evenings, holidays, etc. Context schedules allow you to do just that.

    You can select which associated schedules should be applied when counting elapsed time:

    • Distribution Schedule: this is the schedule associated with the router.
    • Holiday Schedule: this is the holiday schedule associated with the router.
    • Member Schedule: this is the schedule assigned to the record recipient.
    • Member Holiday Schedule: this is the member holiday schedule assigned to the record recipient.

    When multiple schedules are selected, time is only counted when all selected schedules overlap. For example, if an 8am-5pm Distribution Schedule and an 9am-6pm Member Schedule are selected, time will only be counted from 9am-5pm since this is the time that both schedules overlap.

    To take this example one step further, if the router is set to reassign after 60 minutes, and a record is assigned at 4:43 pm, it would not be reassigned until the next day at 9:43 am.

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