Delayed Assignment Notifications

Available in Version 5.3 and up

When using a skill-based router, assignments can be delayed while waiting on users with the necessary skill(s) to become available. Depending on your skill configuration, you may find yourself concerned about required skills causing too much of a delay.

Or with shark tanks, there may be similar concern that a record is sitting for too long without being claimed.

Delayed Assignment Notifications can surface such records so they don’t go unnoticed.

  1. Navigate to your router and click the Edit button.
  2. In the field Notify of Delayed Assignments, enter the number of minutes to wait before sending the notification, as well as the email addresses of the individuals that should be notified. Multiple email addresses can be entered with each separated by a line break.
  3. You can select one or more schedules in the within context of section if you only want to count elapsed time during work hours. See Notification Context Schedules for more info. 
  4. Click Save.
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